Google Apps Support

Integer pellentesque quis erat id blandit.

Let’s Work Together

Let’s Work Together

Vestibulum leo nibh, posuere sit amet ullamcorper at, ornare id magna posuere sit amet.

Fusce vehicula vitae justo nec blandit. Proin vel mauris sit amet arcu semper posuere. Vestibulum leo nibh, posuere sit amet ullamcorper at, ornare id magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam aliquam risus at massa laoreet rutrum id vel purus. Praesent id nisl risus. Etiam est erat, commodo sed justo et, pellentesque mollis quam. Vivamus sit amet orci orci. Aenean non ante metus.

Maecenas quis nibh metus. Nulla in ornare ipsum, eget tristique mauris. Donec at velit massa. Proin gravida augue at lacus pulvinar consequat. Pellentesque et nibh et lorem aliquam accumsan accumsan in dolor. Aenean eu accumsan est. Suspendisse lacus sapien, lacinia vitae nunc sit amet, gravida consequat velit. Etiam euismod egestas diam, vel commodo quam luctus ut.

What are the benefits of
Google Apps support?

Google apps support for non-profits
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
Google apps support for non-profits
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula
technical support for non-profits
Fusce vehicula

Need other cloud managed services?

We’ve got your organization covered!

Office 365 support

Office 365 Support

Collaborate on projects in almost real-time using Microsoft’s most powerful digital documentation suite.

IT consulting services

Cloud Application Hosting

Explore hundreds of applications designed to enhance operations and find the right apps for your organization.

Office 365 support

Office 365 Support

Collaborate on projects in almost real-time using Microsoft’s most powerful digital documentation suite.

IT consulting services

Cloud Application Hosting

Explore hundreds of applications designed to enhance operations and find the right apps for your organization.

IT help desk services

Unified Communications & VoIP

Create a seamless and reliable calling experience by leveraging features like call forwarding and video chats.

IT consulting services

Cloud Application Hosting

Explore hundreds of applications designed to enhance operations and find the right apps for your organization.

data migration deployment services

Migration & Deployment

Moving to the cloud reduces overhead and expands your storage capability – we’ll make the transition stress-free.

data migration deployment services

Migration & Deployment

Moving to the cloud reduces overhead and expands your storage capability – we’ll make the transition stress-free.

hourly IT support

Virtualization Management

Expand your digital footprint by using the cloud to host your desktops, server storage, software and more.

hourly IT support

Virtualization Management

Expand your digital footprint by using the cloud to host your desktops, server storage, software and more.

A Word from Our Staff

A Word from
Our Staff

I started working for Connect Cause after 10 years of experience working in the non-profit sector. That experience has made me very aware of the reality that those who are doing some of our community’s most important work are lacking the technology that most take for granted. Most are suffering with budget restrictions, major capacity issues, and must learn how to do their job by “making do” while productivity suffers. Working at Connect Cause has given me an opportunity to empower many of these organizations to do more good in the community through our ability to provide budget friendly solutions that optimize workflow efficiency and improve overall organizational productivity. I truly believe that Connect Cause is affecting change through the power of technology!

Lisa BranchOperations Manager
